The slipped-stitch rib edge is worked over 4 stitches at the beginning and end of each row as follows:
1) Right side row, last 4 stitches: p1, wyib (with yarn in back) slip 1 purl wise, p1, wyib lift the bar between the needles from front to back on to the right needle, wyib slip last stitch knit wise.
2) Wrong side row, first 4 stitches: p tog the first stitch and the lifted stitch from the previous row, k1, p1, k1.
3) Wrong side row, last 4 stitches: k1, p1, k1, wyif (with yarn if front) lift the bar* between the needles on to the right needle from back to front, wyif slip last stitch purl wise
4) RS row, first 4 sts: k tog tbl the first stitch and the lifted stitch from the previous row, p1, wyib slip 1 purlwise, p1.
And this is what the SRE looks like in the wild!